
DR4EU is a pan-European association focusing on the development of Demand Response in Europe.

Demand Response (DR) refers to the active participation of the consumption side in optimising the electricity system, to improve efficiency and reliability, reduce costs for all and contribute to the energy transition and climate protection.

Demand response was mentioned in European legislation as early as 2012 – in the Directive on energy efficiency, the rapporteur of which was Claude TURMES, then Member of the European Parliament.
The Clean energy package went further and adopted a common European framework as part of the Directive (UE) 2019/944 and Regulation (UE)2019/943 on electricity markets.

Initiated by innovative companies operating DR in more than twenty countries in Europe, DR4EU works with various stakeholders at European and national levels.

We are sharing experience on the policy issues regarding Demand Response via a selection of key Memos and also contributions to Consultations, in particular at national – documents made available to you for download.
Your comments and suggestions are most welcome!

We organise events to discuss policy issues with European and National authorities and stakeholders, and/or to share practical experience from our members.
See you there soon!

Theme: Overlay by Kaira