You will find here contributions from DR4EU to European or national consultations and working groups on various aspects regarding Demand Response.

Contribution to consultation on a draft royal decree including principles for the participation of independent aggregators from MITECO, Ministry for the Ecological Transition in Spain (Feb. 2023)

Presentation to MEKH webinar on regulatory issues regarding the market entry of aggregators in Hungary (January 2022)

Contribution to consultation on a draft legislation covering demand response aggregation, from the Finnish Ministry (December 2021)

Contribution to consultation on demand response aggregation, from the Hungarian regulator HEA (December 2021)

Contribution to consultation on Greek market reform plan, from the European Commission (September 2021)

Contribution to consultation on demand response aggregation, from the Ministry of Infrastructures in Sweden (June 2021)

Contribution to consultation on future capacity markets from MITECO, Ministry for the Ecological Transition in Spain (May 2021)

Contribution to consultation on a legislative proposal including demand response aggregation, from the Ministry in charge of Energy in the Netherlands (February 2021)

Contribution to consultation on proposals for the market framework for DR, from the Ministry and National Regulatory Authority in Estonia (August 2020)

Contribution to consultation on DR aggregator framework, from the national working group lead by Borzen and authorities in Slovenia (June 2020)

Contribution to consultation on demand response aggregation, from the Ministry in charge of Energy in Sweden (June 2020)

Contribution to public consultation on DR participation in electricity markets, from Energia Virasto, national regulatory authority in Finland (May 2020)