The first workshops were scheduled on Monday 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th June, then 5th and 12th July (16:30 – 17:30 CET).
After an initial joint EER and DR4EU event on 6th May 2021 focusing on The Benefits of Demand Response for Electricity Suppliers and Consumers, with the participation of DGENER and CEER, we have been organising a series of workshops to address various aspects of the implementation of the European legislation in the market.
These workshops allowed sharing understanding, doubts, experience and solutions among policy makers and various stakeholders, with the common goal of achieving a smooth and swift implementation at all levels in order to ensure the participation of DR in all markets, with converging approaches and to the benefit of all consumers.
The series of workshops was introduced on June 7th by Claude TURMES, Minister of Energy and Spatial Planning in Luxembourg, and former MEP, rapporteur of the first directive to address demand response (2012/27/UE on energy efficiency), and shadow-rapporteur for the CEP. Then Monique GOYENS, DG of BEUC, launched the discussion on participating consumers’ rights and protection, which was the focus of the workshop, with further contributions from CEER and DGENER.
The following workshops in June and July covered the implementation of provisions due to ensure fair competition, with properly defined responsibilities, and taking into account the impacts of various market parties (benefits and costs, if any).
Workshop #3
Balancing Responsibility of Suppliers and Models
(DR in wholesale market)
Workshop #4
Possible Compensation Granted to Suppliers (/BRPs)
(DR in wholesale market)
Workshop #5
Who would pay any ‘compensation’ granted to suppliers (/BRPs) and how
(DR in wholesale market)
Workshop #6
DR in balancing markets
(Aggregators as balancing service providers – BSPs)